Frequent, integrated Pre-assessments & accredited Verification for EU-MRV and UK-MRV.

After each reporting period, your emission reports for EU-MRV and UK-MRV must be verified before submission. This process can be very frustrating and time-consuming: crews searching for and adjusting data collected months earlier, unidentified soft copies of noon reports or other statements, and discrepancies between purchased EUA’s and verified GHG emissions.

Control Union can assist you in two ways:

  • We audit and Pre-assess your GHG emissions data frequently (e.g., each month or voyage) before your Emission reports are Verified independently
  • Combined with third-party VerifIQ:  these audits take place remotely to integrate your crews’ existing Noon-reports, Statements and BDN’s into multiple Emission reports as requested by the authorities.


These services are not exclusive to each other and can be combined.

Remote verified remotely shipboard

Benefits of EU-MRV and UK-MRV verification with us

Peace of Mind

Accredited ISO-14065 verification by Control Union.

Our in-house auditors understand shipping and hold all necessary German accreditations from DAkkS

More efficient than Class Societies

Flat and competitive pricing.

No bundling with expensive vessel management solutions that most Class societies deploy.

Your Crew will love it

Avoid hassle and complex data requests.

Our auditors’ periodic checks and pre-validation ensure timely and proactive data quality.

Super effective when combined with VerifIQ

One source of data for all global GHG emissions reporting.

Single-template data input for all regulations.


Why once-a-year verification will not work!

Non-compliance with EU-MRV or UK-MRV can result in severe penalties and even vessel detention. Avoid these consequences with timely and accurate verification. And there is more:

  • When you discover discrepancies at year-end from earlier that year, you need to adjust all subsequent reports and statements too. To make everything tally. An administrative nightmare for you and your crew that you can avoid!
  • And also: if the EU-ETS dues have already been settled between Owners and Charterers, how to determine what has to be corrected:… we wish you good luck! Prices per EUA are volatile and change fast, so everybody benefits from frequent and fast verification.

How to get Frequent EU-MRV pre-verification?

Secure your Frequent Pre-assessments and ISO-14065 accredited EU-MRV and/or UK-MRV Verification now by simply
sending us an E-mail, WhatsApp, or calling our team. 

VPC, trusted all over the world

We are Control Union Vessel Performance Centre B.V. (VPC). We are part of Royal Peterson and Control Union. Our VPC offers vessel compliance and performance solutions to shipping. We deliver our services globally under a single quality system, through our network of Control Union offices. Our central team of experts is your single point of contact for our global services.

Control Union helps you in two ways:

  • Our highly qualified ISO14065-verifiers perform pre-verification remotely or on board, so you are sure that your EU-MRV and UK-MRV reports’ submission is smooth, fast and effective. 
  • Verification in combination with the VerifIQ-tool will reduce your and your crews administrative burden significantly. 

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Class Approvals

Control Union Vessel Performance Centre B.V. holds the “Approved subcontractor”- status from leading Class societies. Click the logo to see the certificate.

Control Union Certifications is a US Coast Guard-accepted Independent Laboratory (IL) for testing of BWMS in accordance with 46 CFR 162.060.

GHG Emissions Regulations

The EU requires Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (EU-MRV) for ships over 5,000 GT (and over 400 GT from 1 January 2025) calling European ports regardless of their Flag, as per EU Regulation 2015/757 and amending Regulation (EU)2023/957. Only Accredited Verifiers independent from the entity providing Monitoring and Reporting, can sign-off on Emissions Reports to be reported in Thetis-EU and included in each ships’ Document of Compliance (DoC).

IMODCS and China-DCS
In  2019 the IMO Data Collection System (IMODCS) became obligatory for vessels above 5,000 GT, to collect fuel use, emissions and ship service information per each vessel’s approved SEEMP II. This regulation is based on MARPOL Annex VI . Recognized Organizations (RO) like Class Societies verify IMODCS reports. The Chinese Maritime Safety Administration started its Data Collection on Energy Consumption (China-DCS): similar but different Emission reporting from any vessel calling specific Chinese ports per regulation from the MSA China Maritime Safety Administration in 2018 (contact us for your copy).

The Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII)  is a system for ships to gradually reduce emissions, that the IMO developed as a mandatory measure under MARPOL Annex VI since 1 January 2023. At that time IMO also implemented its Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) to rate energy-efficiency of different vessels, which is included in each vessel’s International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP) Survey by Class.

From 1 January 2023, ships of 5,000 GT and above must have a verified Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP Part III) on board to document how their vessel plans to achieve its CII-targets.

Since  2022, all vessels that are subjected to EU-MRV have to collect data and report emissions per UK-MRV also, for their port calls in the United Kingdom. This is laid down in regulation MIN 669 (M+F) which is likely to be amended in the future.  Verifiers must be UKAS-accredited.

EU-ETS and EUA’s
From 1 January 2024 onwards the EU taxes Emissions from ships through its “cap-and-trade” European Trading System (EU-ETS). Directive (EU) 2023/959 requires vessel owners (or their mandated ISM Company) to purchase and surrender EU Allowances (EUA’s) matching their Emissions that are beyond their yearly allowance.

FuelEU Maritime
As of 2025, the EU is expected to launch its “book-and-claim” FuelEU Maritime Regulation (EU) 2023/1805 which promotes the use of renewable, low-carbon fuels and clean energy technologies for ships – from fuel production wells to ships’ wakes. Fleets of ships should actively lower their GHG intensity of fuels, by 2% in 2025 to 80% in 2050 or pay steep penalties otherwise.